I know it’s been a while and finally I am making the time to get back to the blog. I got some help scanning in the letters and doing transcriptions so hopefully I’ll be able to load at least once a week if not twice. I’m starting back where I left off so with the letter from Elma on March 4.
Well, this letter is not too interesting, but we are once again reminded of how much Elma loved Al. My grandparents were married for 60 years and they lived apart a variety of times. But the one thing I remember is their constant, loving presence. Their lives were hard, but they always had each other.
It is nine o’clock now, just came home from our regular meeting and got through reading your letter over again which I received this evening when I came in and Elma you sure don’t know how good that makes me feel to come home from a days work and have a letter waiting for me with all the love and kisses I would get from you if it was you in person waiting for me at the door. Elma I feel a little tired this evening but I cant pass up to write you a few lines for I know how it is to go to the mailbox and not get a letter from Al, I am the same way, don’t know what to do with myself or what happens if I don’t get a letter every day from you Elma. Really it puts a new life in me every time I come home and get a letter from you Elma, to know that even if I am all by myself amongst strange people there still is one far away from where I am to help make life a little happier than what it would be otherwise. Elma, it would be pretty tough once in a while if it weren’t for the letters I am getting from you to help liven me up a little, I guess I would have come home long ago.
Well Elma, I guess Bill Debes and his wife will have a lots of pastime with their big baby girl don’t you think so too, Elma tell Harold it was a good thing he got a hair cut otherwise even the fat babies like the picture he sent would get scared of him. Well Elma I think I am going to take some stock with the telephone company, it is just the same as putting the money in the bank. You can draw it out anytime you need it and they keep I think it is 75 cents out of every paycheck every week for every share, a share costs us that is employees $150 and if it is all paid out like now the same share sells for $198, it is a good thing that they pay I think .09% on the money where the banks only pay .03 and .04% on the money and savings so it is a whole lot better to have it with the company for nearly everybody has it that way, I was talking to a fellow tonight he paid $7 every week on shares also we have shares with this company, it gives a better impression and they take a little more per person that is what some of the bosses have told me already so Elma don’t worry about that for it is alright anytime I need the money I .can get it and it ain’t lost. So I will go to bed in the next few minutes but before I do go to bed Elma I will seal this letter with all the love and kisses I have but an extra sweet goodnight kiss.
Al x
My comments
My grandpa had quite the sense of humor. Or at least that is how it comes across in the letters. Remember, he rarely spoke when I knew him. Today, as I am writing this would have been his birthday 123 years old. It’s hard to believe that he has been gone for 31 years. The best part about the letters is that I get to know my grandparents all over again.
My grandpa mentions Bill Debes and the fact that he and his wife had a baby, on February 26, 1931. Her name was LaVerne Debes and here is her birth certificate. Debes is a Flemish name, but her mother was Christine Muensterman, and that is German. LaVerne ended up marrying Tenbarge. I feel like everyone on the Westside is related. : )
A note about the stocks. It was the Depression and 1,000s of banks failed. I am curious if he hung on to those…
Just got back from taking Ed home they went to market today and so its getting late already about 9:30 but before I have you waiting and looking for a letter and a kiss that I did not send. I’m going to do as you said in that letter I got today just say hello Al and send a sweet kiss well Al I was both glad and surprised to hear from you today really I miss getting that letter until this afternoon so Katie went to look for mail this morning and said there wasn’t any there. I left it go at that for I wasn’t used to getting mail on Monday. But it sure seems like a long day and when Harold came home I told him this was one day we didn’t hear from Kokomo. Mom said we sure miss it too and ** she’ll go and when she came back I felt like you might be at least a hundred miles closer and believe me I was sure glad to get those two big kisses that I missed so much Saturday and Sunday. Al that sure would be a shock if you drive in so unexpected. Better not do that you might kill a few by such a shock every time I see one of those dern telephone trucks it darn near makes me sick to think of them lucky devils around here when you have to be so far away but we’ll just keep on praying Al and if nothing worse happens its not going to be so bad after all for I’m in hopes that we’ll soon get to see eachother then we can talk things over and Im not so many kisses and O so much love when the big warm heart waiting for you Al and I’m at home you’ll bring just that many with you. Gosh wouldn’t it be swell to be together again (if you don’t hurry Ill forget “how” and a lot of things for theres no one here to practice on) Well Al, everybody here is in the best of health only if they got a little cross once in a while Im feeling just fine only plenty tired and sleepy. Guess you can see that by the looks of my scribbling. Believe I’m going to start drinking milk and try and get fat that’s a pretty good resolution to make during Lent aint it. The trouble of it is I never care much about it until I can drink It with you guess I’ll sign off for tonight hope my daddy’s still well and feeling fine and don’t get too far out in the country and get lost and never come back, with all true love and lots of kisses.
Elma x
Goodnight Al x
My comments
I love the use of the x’s for kisses. They must have established the use of the x’s up front, because they both use them liberally at the end of every letter.I think it’s cute, but then again these were my grandparents. I just have to smile when I read about all the kissing. I’ve said it before, they loved each other very much.
Here I am again, in the first day of March, the great of the month of the year in which the old kid Al was born some few years ago, is that right Elma, Elma if you would have been here yesterday you would have had a job on hand, that was cut my hair. Marie said in her letter that you made such a good job of her hair cut, so keep it up Elma. I know you can do it if you want to. It does require a little pains once in a while when you go to cut a boys hair but I know that you can do it Elma you will have to learn now and later have to cut my hair also ain’t that hot. Elma how would you like to have the job on my head, well Elma I went to church this morning and then came home and passed my time by reading the papers, listening to the radio, and doing a little studying in my books or rather read up on lots of stuff that I will have to have when it comes to work out in the country on the telephones. That lasted until dinner. So now I am in my room all by myself writing the blues to you after a while I might stretch out in my bed and take a nap thats if I won’t get the blues too much and tonight at 7:30 o clock we have church again. Wednesdays in place of having it in the evening they will have it at 3 o clock in the afternoon only on Friday. Will we have church in the evenings so I will be able to write you a longer letter on Wednesday night from now on Elma. When I got up this morning I thought about my overcoat but it wasn’t so bad after all. It is a whole lot warmer now again. Last night it snowed a little and also rained but not everything is as day practically as on fourth of July when you have no beer Elma did you save me some beer so when I come home I can drink a quart with you and have lots of pastime or when you come up to see me Easter time. Be some to bring a quart along with you for me, then we can drink it here in Kokomo to celebrate Easter wont that be real Elma coming to Kokomo to see Al. Elma I said Easter was tomorrow I can’t hardly wait for the time to come for Elma to come to Kokomo to see me, we sure will have lots of pastime. When you do come Elma , but that time is a whole month off yet. Elma, when you come you will have to get here on Saturday afternoon, so then we can be together all Saturday afternoon and have an all night party and be together all day Sunday then I won’t have to lay off work or if you stay longer we will get along alright. I will make up some other time by working overtime for we are not allowed to turn in overtime if we work overtime they expect us to take off some other time so that we’ll be fine. Elma, just come ahead Al will be waiting for you. Elma, I don’t know whether you can make out all of my scribblings and lots of times thought about that like now I am sitting in a rocking chair and have my feet propped up on another chair in front of the window, the sun is so hot through the window on my feet for I have my shoes off and so I have to move my feet every once in a while and that starts me to rock with a stationary box above my knee writing a letter to Elma and when I go to rocking I start to write up and down I guess you can see every time I go to rock while everything is crooked and hooked together. Well Elma I don’t think that makes much difference for the meaning of true love is always in it whether I am sitting still or whether I am rocking. I guess Elma you know that by now that is just as good when you don’t sit still as it is when you sit real still (and how) Elma I guess I better get away from that crazy junk right don’t you think so Elma. All I wish is that I was out at West Heights to see Elma this afternoon for it is so pretty outside, it gives me the Spring fever to lay around like that no place to go and nothing to do. Elma I wish I was home then we could go places and do and see things when it is as pretty as it is today for instance take a ride to the old dam at New Harmony, will go to Mount Vernon I forgot drive to the old dump in Rockport and see all the rocks there. Oh boy ain’t that something. Elma talk about rocks, you come to Kokomo Easter time Elma, come in the bus and on this side towards Indianapolis and Bedford where the Indiana line rock company has their place you will see all the rocks you care to see for I think they have a big hill all leveled out all the dirt off the rock and I think about 100 or more carsts around all over the place. I think the place must be about a half mile nothing but big boulders of rock. It is right close to the highway on the right side coming up to Indianapolis. So you want to be sure to look for it when you come Elma. It is worth seeing. Well Elma I think I will have to write mom a dutch letter sometime. I wrote Matt in Indianapolis last night as I wrote you so you will hear from me again real soon as I am still feeling well. Only a little blue and hope these few lines make you feel good and find you in the best of health. So I am sending all the true love and all the kisses I have one more Elma, and a long and sweet kiss for tonight when Oscar comes to see Marie tell Marie she ain’t the only one that can get a kiss that you got a sweeter kiss than she did.
My comments:
You might be wondering why he refers to March as”the great month of the year”. His birthday is March 18,1900, so he is about to be 31. I always liked the fact that my grandpa was born in 1900, because it was so easy to remember how old he was. He was 66 when I was born and 91 when he died–so easy to remember, because he was born in 1900.
He is also fixated on haircuts. Growing up I can distinctly remember my mother cutting my grandfather’s hair–silver/white and thin. When he was in his late 70s and early 80s, I can remember going to their house in the evening and my mom standing in the kitchen at the table. It seems to have all started with Elma cutting everyone’s hair. Funny, because I don’t remember her cutting anyone’s hair. I will have to ask around and find out.
He mentions West Heights. I put the link above to a Historic Evansville page. West Heights, or Babytown, was the “neighborhood” that Elma’s family lived in on the far westside of town.
He also mentions the Old Dam at New Harmony. I have not personally been to the Old Dam, but here is what I found on Visit Posey County’s website:
“The Old Dam is a group of natural rock formations rising from the bed of the Wabash River near New Harmony. When the Wabash is low in Summer, the rocks emerge forming a series of rapids, pools, and waterfalls, it becomes one of the best swimming holes east of the Mississippi. The rapids make for a great kayaking experience.“
I couldn’t find much of anything on Rockport, but more interesting is Indiana Limestone which he talks about above. I gave it a separate page. At the time of this letter there was a fair amount of “quarrying” going on–the Empire State building was built in 1931 from Indiana Limestone–technically Salem Limestone. I talk about that on the separate page.
He mentions a dutch letter to his mother and a letter to his brother, Matt Weinzapfel. I found two letters written in “old” German in a batch of letters we found in a closet. I’m having them translated and I will share them as soon as I have them.
Back again after two days with a little more of my scratching. Got all your letters Saturday morning Al and everybody was sure glad to hear from you, but would have been more so if you could’ve told them you was coming home. Gosh Al I’m always wondering and wishing and praying that I’ll get a letter or a call real soon telling me you’re coming back home or at least closer to me than you are now so that I can get to see you and talk to you and love you and get some of those real sweet kisses like I did before Al. Just three weeks this morning Al I kissed you goodbye and left you on the bus headed for Kokomo. Really it seems like three years and when I look ahead it seems like eternity Al you don’t know how slow the time passes for me. But after all I ought be satisfied to think you’re all by yourself with no one at all except strangers to even talk to, but keep it up Al and I’ll try as often as I can to do as you said you were doing pray the rosary before I go to sleep. I was glad to hear it and maybe we’ll get to be together again before long. We sure had one time yesterday, Al. Harold had made up his mind not to get his haircut until you came back, the whole family tried talking to him but didn’t do much good. Dad said he sure didn’t know what to do. I told him how I thought you hated to be so far away and if you knew he was acting like that it would make it all the worse, but he said he felt so sorry cause Al always cut them and couldn’t this time that’s why he didn’t go. But I finally got him in the notion, taken him down on St. Joe and Penn St., looks a lot better but not like when you did it. Went to confession yesterday afternoon and communion this morning at 8 o’ clock mass wondered if you were going and if I was praying with you. Talk about getting off easy Al and I had to pray 1 Hail Mary Saturday but like you said I don’t have to worry so much while you’re so far away. Only think of and wish for a whole lot once in a while.
Went to church this afternoon and brought Ed, Tillie and family along. Got home and Miss Becker and Alberta Craig were here they all stayed for supper. Then Helfrichs came and Mesers with Henry and Oscar. We had a houseful. Wish I could have left the whole and came to you. So Helfrich said Ed had a buyer for his place and was asking $6,000 for it. Don’t know how true it is so don’t say anything about it. Well Al they all left pretty late and it’s now ten til twelve so I guess I’ll have to bundle up all my kisses and an extra goodnight kiss with lots of true love and send them to you far away to someone I’m sure will be waiting for them.
My Comments
Finally, I’m done with February. Well, sort of. I found more letters and while most of them are from after they were married, there are a few stragglers from before. I may or may not post those.
Elma sure can’t wait for Al to be home. I wonder later if she will be happy that he has a job since it’s the Depression. It will be interesting to see. Anyway, only three weeks has passed since he left.
Near the end Grandma mentions a few people and I thought it would be good to talk about who they were. I am going to create separate pages for people, things and events that were significant. first are Ed and Tillie. Briefly, Ed was Grandma’s younger brother by 14 months. You can read all about him at the link. Grandma also mentions a slew of other people–you already know Oscar. Helfrichs came with Mesers, because Mayme Meser, John Meser’s sister, married George P. Helfrich. Henry and Ed were Grandpa’s brothers. Ed ‘s house, which in 1931 was catty-corner and across the street, was a steal at 6K. I’ll do a separate page on Grandpa’s seven brothers later.
Here is the usual Saturday night blues, everyone gone but me and I am here all by my lonesome trying to write a few lines to you Elma to make you feel better the day after that is after Saturday night and Sunday, which seems so darn long and lonesome to me that I lots of times wish it were Monday already so I could go to work and forget the blues and get my mind to work on something else, for it makes me feel darn funny once in a while to sit here all by myself and think about home and you Elma. I know there is always something going on to pass time even if it is only fussing and scrapping with someone that is evermore than I can do here, there ain’t anybody here to fuss with so try and do something Elma. I believe I told you about that I was going to start Monday and change telephones out in the country. A fellow by the name of Pat Gray and I will work or go together with a truck. Gray has to do the wiring on the outside from the pole to the house and I want to do the work in the houses, that is put the telephones in as much as I know about it. They have about I think a few more than 400 to be changed out in the country around Kokomo and I think we are supposed to change them all. The way they figured for us to change about 8 a day that is only an average so you can figure out about how long it will take til we get done with the job so I guess Elma you will sure have to come up to Kokomo for Easter for I will sure want that load of kisses you are going to bring to me then and I will sure be waiting for them and when you go back home that is if I let you go back home I will load you up with all the kisses you want to take along home. Elma, if there won’t be any changes made until then I mostly will have to be looking for you so you can make all preparations to come to Kokomo for Easter and don’t forget it Elma that daddy will be looking and waiting for mama to come to see him on Easter day. Elma if you haven’t got the money just let me know and I will gladly send you the money and pay those few dollars to have our love renewed once more by you coming to see me at Kokomo.
Elma tell me in your next letter whether everybody gets to read all of my hot letters or not so I have to quit writing such crazy stuff and straighten out to write more sensible stuff so it is fit for everybody to read besides you Elma. So please let me know Elma for I have been worrying about that for a long time. Elma I sure will have to come home pretty soon to see all the pretty things you have by now. I bet you sure have a lot of nice things for us already for it will be three weeks tomorrow since I left home and kissed you goodbye in the bus depot in Evansville. You sure have a lot done by now that quilt I bet sure looks good and those tea bowls from Harold and like you said a woolen quilt and I guess lots more things which you probably didn’t tell me about. Elma, I am like you are I am not going to worry about anything where I will be or where I will get to for it is not going to do a bit of good if they tell me to go home tomorrow. There sure would be one boy that would get home as quick as the first train or bus got there and no later, well Elma I hope myself that I will get to go back to Evansville very soon but I am somewhat afraid of it for as soon as the job in New Albany opens up I think I am doomed for there, but as it is there might be a change overnight. No one can tell so you and all of us will have to pray real hard that I will get back to the old E town again. Well we will live in hopes anyhow and I won’t worry about it at all. Let it come when it will if it gets too much there is always some way out if I have to quit someday to get to go home.
My comments:
I got a little out of order. I also found a few letters from February that were loose. I may or may not post those later.
So in this letter Grandpa is worried that other people are going to read his “hot” letters. I chuckle because Grandma knew she was saving these and even after he died in 1991 she knew that she still had them squirreled away. So far I haven’t read anything that isn’t for public consumption. I couldn’t find the end of this letter so it just ends.
Just some more of Elma’s scribbling and scratching to bring happenings and blueness and most of all some of tonight’s kisses to you.
Well Al, tonight Oscar and Marie have company, Ted and Mary are here and they are playing cards. Mom and dad went over to Puths with Kerns and Kolders and Mayse they’re going to have some music. I first thought I’d have to take them but they rode with Kerns and I was glad of it for it seems I can’t take enough interest in anything or anyone to care for any place or do anything in particular. I go from one thing to to another starting a whole lot but finishing none it seems. This evening I tried to work one of our tea towels while the rest were in the card game but Al the longer I kept at it the less I got done for I just couldn’t do a thing but keep thinking of Al wondering if Al would have to stay away much longer and what Al was doing tonight if he had gone to bed already and if he was as lonesome as I or still more lonesome all by himself, wishing I was with him tonight until I just laid down my work and started to write some more of the blues away.
The rest were all working outside today and I had ripped and washed two old wool coats and started to sew them together and make a wool quilt or comforter, it looks nice and Al I bet we’ll keep pretty hot under it don’t you think. Well anyway, mom brought one of your letters in and waited until I opened it and when I started to laugh she wanted to know what it was all about and I showed her Ossie’s letter she thought it was pretty good. She told me she was going to start praying that you would be stationed closer home. She don’t like this far away business. But Al I’m not going to worry so much about it. Hard telling where you might be by your vacation time ain’t it so Al. Hope it is right back here in Evansville and you wait until fall to take your week off then we can go away together and come back again and stay here. Al if you don’t get transferred before Easter I’m coming up to see you then won’t that be real then I’ll bring you a whole load of kisses and take a whole load back home won’t I Al.
After I kissed your letter goodbye last night I went to bed and spent the most restless night I had since you’re gone Al. Woke up dreaming a dozen times or more and the rest of the time I rolled from one side to the other. Guess I didn’t wake up enough to realize you were so far away thought you had to be as close as you were the night before you left. Well anyway woke up this morning more tired than when I went to bed. Try to do better tonight I guess.
Your brother across the way was some place on a trip yesterday and today I don’t know where thought first he came to see you. Dad was over there this evening a little after he came home he said he spoke of being at Terra Haute and mom and dad just come home and said Kerns said he went along to take a prisoner to Michigan City so that’s that.
Well I guess I’ll have to quit and go to bed for the company’s all gone and the rest are all home and I’ll be too big a sinner if I keep on eating orange and bananas and pretzels that they have here on the table. I’m celebrating Lent. I started out fasting pretty strict, lasted until tonight. But don’t believe I could’ve kept it up any how like that. Did you get your Courier already Al? If not they’re going to dedicate the Mead Johnson Terminal tomorrow Ray has to play. Well Al here goes all the love and kisses I can send and an extra hug and kiss for Saturday and Sunday. Goodnight Al.
Elma. X
All are well hope you are taking care of yourself.
I don’t know about you, but I love the fancy, pink paper. It is not as easy to scan, but it looks nice.
As usual, so much to cover in this letter.
First, Ted and Mary. Ted, Theodore, was Oscar’s older brother by two years. He would have been about 27 .here. He and Mary would go on to have five kids.
All the names she mentions were likely westside German families. The Kerns were cousins. Mayses have a farm market down on St. Joe, north of Diamond Avenue. I couldn’t track down Kolders or Puths.
What I did find out was that the Mead Johnson terminal, is still over the Ohio River. Built in 1931, the complex is located at 1830 W. Ohio Street in Evansville.
Ohio River – Mead Johnson River Terminal at Evansville, Ind. 12/18/39. Louisville District [U.S. Army Corps of Engineers], Louisville, Key.
Civil Works Images: Box __. 8×10 in. b&w print.
Don’t let the looks of your letters worry you just write lots of them it don’t matter whether you are in silk clothes, winter coat, or in your night clothes, I don’t see any difference in the letters so write all you can. If I was there with you I might know the difference don’t you think so Elma, but then you wouldn’t have to write any letter “Oh boy I do wish I was there with you now.” Elma, I thought the other day I felt better when you said you prayed for me, keep up the good work and I will also try to remember you in all my prayers, but be careful and don’t let too many tires go flat otherwise you will get your hands so sore that you won’t be able to pray the rosary anymore. Like I said before go get the tires off my car and trade them on new tires for your car. Elma, do like some other people used to do when they got flat tires, let some garage man fix it ha ha.
Well Elma, be sure and save a quart of that P.D. for me, I also like beer you know Elma that I like it once in a while. Don’t let Oscar drink it all, he should not drink beer during Lent anyway. If I cant get any beer during Lent he should not get any either. Ha. Ha.
Elma, I guess Oscar and Marie were not cold the other night when you come home and they sat there with the fire out. You know Elma if you and I were sitting there how much fire we would need, not even a light for fear that might make us too warm don’t you think so too Elma, my heart is warm enough for you to keep you from getting cold in zero weather so don’t worry about getting cold Elma come to daddy he will keep you warm all the time. Elma don’t think for a minute that I would quit my job unless I was sure that I wouldn’t have to worry about anything else. Unless there would be something to turn up that I had to quit, not otherwise.
Elma I am well yet and feeling fine feel more like working everyday. I put in ten more telephones today but tomorrow will be a whole lot for we have too far to go to get them. So when you think you get started to work right it is all over you are out of town again that is Kokomo all around.
Elma I wrote Marie a letter and I guess I will write a few lines to your dad and mother it will make them feel more like something and better than just to read one of your letters once in a while which I think that they do just so they don’t get all those kisses I am sending for you and you alone. So I will close these few lines with lots more kisses and love to you Elma.
Al. x. .
My comments:
My first thoght is that my grandparents were ridiculously in love at this point. My guess is that they were engaged to be married–I can’t prove it, but I’m pretty sure at this point.
I am not sure what P.D. is–wine? Either way, they liked their alcohol!!
The time has passed so fast but yet it seems as though it is years passed since I left Evansville and only going on three weeks, so I don’t know whether Elma ever says anything to you about me, she might be selfish and keep everything for herself so I will write a few lines to you to let you know that Al is still well and working everyday in the dead town of Kokomo trying to bring it back to life. I don’t know really how long it will be until I will get to see all of you again to help drink all that good homebrew and wine and help eat all the ice cream. I sure do miss all the good home cooked eats. Nevertheless I have homecooked meals here but not like at home. I say that any day of the year, home beats it all for I sure do miss those cookies like I used to get a Rockport they sure was good, but I can’t taste them anymore.
I am well and hope that you are all the same and hope to be back home with all in a big homebrew party real soon.
Your true friend,
My comment
This letter is to Nick and Sophie (Feldhaus) Bassemier, Elma’s parents.
Nick and Sophie{(eldhaus)Bassemier
Here they are pictured on their wedding day, October 11, 1905. This picture, in an old, ornate frame, hangs on the wall behind my mom’s recliner in the living room. They were married for 51 years until Sophie died in March,1956. At the time this letter was written Nick and Sophie were in their early 50’s.
They sure liked their home-brew! This just goes to show you that prohibition was alive and well.
This was another day, but not near as good a day as yesterday for I came home for dinner but did not get any mail so I went to work again and worked until five o’clock and came home just a few minutes ago and still no mail not even a letter from Elma. Elma, that sure made me feel blue just for a few minutes when I stepped into my room and found no letter but I kinda got over it again by reading the two I got yesterday over again and thinking tomorrow is another day and I will surely hear from Elma tomorrow and if I shouldn’t get word from you tomorrow, I know that there is something wrong, that you are probably sick in bed but there is no need worrying until that time is here that I ought to by all means have a letter from you. Well Elma I am still feeling fine and am in good health yet and also hope you are yet in good health and hope you will remain in good health all the time. Elma, I wrote Oscar and also wrote his mother a few lines last night so I will send Oscar’s other letter to you for you to keep for me but don’t tell the rest that you get Oscar’s letters from me for they might not like it much. Someday we might get a lot of kick out of those letters from Oscar if you tuck them away and take good care of them all. I will send everyone to you as I get them from Ossie. Well I didn’t have supper yet tonight but will soon be time for it and afterwards there will be church again and that won’t leave me much time to write. I want to mail this letter as I go to church then it will get in the mail tonight yet and might get to you quicker than the other way. Well Elma I put in a good days work today I changed ten telephones that was a good run for a change. Yesterday I made eight but today was my biggest day since I am up here. Well Elma I ain’t going to write so much tonight otherwise you might sit and read too long and won’t write me anymore until you get through reading so I will put the quits to these few lines but more to the love and kisses so you will get a whole lots of time love and so many kisses that they will last til you will get my next letter. And Elma here is an extra good bye kiss. x
My comments…
I think it is interesting that Al is already talking about Elma keeping the letters. It’s kind of strange that here we are 91 years later and my grandma saved ALL the letters. I mean ALL of them, including the letters they wrote to one another when my grandpa went to St. Louis in the 1950’s to work at Chrysler. Those will come later. Something to think about…Al had to bring or mail the letters that Elma sent to him. I think he did an amazing job keeping all of those letters.