Archive for » September, 2024 «

March 8, 1931–from Elma

If you’re following along you’ll notice that Elma and Al have been apart for a month now. Elma mentions a lot of people–remember she was crammed into that 80 yr old farmhouse with her parents, Nick and Sophie, Nick’s sister’s–Kate and Phine (Josephine)(Cecelia did not live with them), brothers Ray and Harold, and sister, Marie. That’s eight people in a house that only had two proper bedrooms and no AC. It was crowded.

Grandma mentioned going to Meser’s and they came over to the Bassemier’s house. Remember that Christina Meser just died about a month ago. I am certain the family and the neighbors mourned her for a long time. Grandma also mentioned Oscar and Marie, who would be married a year after Elma and Al. At this time Marie was only 20. Harold and Ray were 19 and 16, respectively.

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March 8, 1931–from Al

Well, it’s a cold day in northern Indiana. It looks like that rain in southern Indiana was snow in northern Indiana. Even today that is the case. It’s a Sunday so grandpa went to mass. I wonder if he misses Saint Boniface and going to church with his family in Evansville. Very likely.

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