Evansville, IN
March 2, 1931
Dear Al,
Just got back from taking Ed home they went to market today and so its getting late already about 9:30 but before I have you waiting and looking for a letter and a kiss that I did not send. I’m going to do as you said in that letter I got today just say hello Al and send a sweet kiss well Al I was both glad and surprised to hear from you today really I miss getting that letter until this afternoon so Katie went to look for mail this morning and said there wasn’t any there. I left it go at that for I wasn’t used to getting mail on Monday. But it sure seems like a long day and when Harold came home I told him this was one day we didn’t hear from Kokomo. Mom said we sure miss it too and ** she’ll go and when she came back I felt like you might be at least a hundred miles closer and believe me I was sure glad to get those two big kisses that I missed so much Saturday and Sunday. Al that sure would be a shock if you drive in so unexpected. Better not do that you might kill a few by such a shock every time I see one of those dern telephone trucks it darn near makes me sick to think of them lucky devils around here when you have to be so far away but we’ll just keep on praying Al and if nothing worse happens its not going to be so bad after all for I’m in hopes that we’ll soon get to see eachother then we can talk things over and Im not so many kisses and O so much love when the big warm heart waiting for you Al and I’m at home you’ll bring just that many with you. Gosh wouldn’t it be swell to be together again (if you don’t hurry Ill forget “how” and a lot of things for theres no one here to practice on) Well Al, everybody here is in the best of health only if they got a little cross once in a while Im feeling just fine only plenty tired and sleepy. Guess you can see that by the looks of my scribbling. Believe I’m going to start drinking milk and try and get fat that’s a pretty good resolution to make during Lent aint it. The trouble of it is I never care much about it until I can drink It with you guess I’ll sign off for tonight hope my daddy’s still well and feeling fine and don’t get too far out in the country and get lost and never come back, with all true love and lots of kisses.
Elma x
Goodnight Al x
My comments
I love the use of the x’s for kisses. They must have established the use of the x’s up front, because they both use them liberally at the end of every letter.I think it’s cute, but then again these were my grandparents. I just have to smile when I read about all the kissing. I’ve said it before, they loved each other very much.